And neither one is named Atticus.

For the sake of comparison, on the left is the native to the east, purple finch, and for the sake of argument, let's call it raspberry. On the right, the native to the west but now transported across the country to be widespread, the boorish house finch, once sold in pet stores under the sobriquet of "Hollywood" finch. Wouldn't that make you want to buy one?
Note: on the house finch the cherry red is frontal appearing more on the face and the streaks on the flanks are dark; on the purple finch the color is more raspberry and spreads over the entire head and flows softly down the upper back; the streaks on the flanks, if present, are reddish.
Note: on the house finch the cherry red is frontal appearing more on the face and the streaks on the flanks are dark; on the purple finch the color is more raspberry and spreads over the entire head and flows softly down the upper back; the streaks on the flanks, if present, are reddish.
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