
Somehow, in gray winter, male cardinals perch above it all. A shock to the senses. Their red startles, transcending the drabness. Better still, they defy it. And despite their obviousness, their in-your-faceness, they thrive.
Karen Sue located the most recent numbers for Cornell's Project Feederwatch: Southeast region. The Northern Cardinal was the most tallied species in last year's count occurring at 96 percent of the reporting sites.
Here's the complete Top Ten for this region which includes Tennessee.
1. Northern Cardinal
2. Mourning Dove
3. Carolina Chickadee
4. American Goldfinch
5. Blue Jay
6. Tufted Titmouse
7. Carolina Wren
8. Red-bellied Woodpecker
9. House Finch
10. American Robin
Karen Sue located the most recent numbers for Cornell's Project Feederwatch: Southeast region. The Northern Cardinal was the most tallied species in last year's count occurring at 96 percent of the reporting sites.
Here's the complete Top Ten for this region which includes Tennessee.
1. Northern Cardinal
2. Mourning Dove
3. Carolina Chickadee
4. American Goldfinch
5. Blue Jay
6. Tufted Titmouse
7. Carolina Wren
8. Red-bellied Woodpecker
9. House Finch
10. American Robin
The above photo comes from my friend Wayne Mallinger, who is at home recovering from surgery. Thankfully, there's enough happening just outside at his feeders that prevents him from having to put his camera away.
Thanks, Wayne. Get well soon.
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