Recently I heard from Missy Steffey.
"I have a question concerning a Cooper’s hawk. We had a pair nest in our pine trees in back this spring and now have the parents and two baby hawks hunting our backyard. They love to perch on my daughters’ trampoline and occasionally dine there. I have so enjoyed watching the parents teach the babies to hunt and see them soar by our deck every morning and evening. My question: Do these hawks stay in the same area to nest year after year or will they be gone soon? I’m amazed that they are still here. The babies have been ‘out of the nest’ for over a month.”
In time, the young ones will draft away as they start feeling more independent. The parents may drift away as well because they no longer have a nest site to defend and may need to roam farther to find food. But, as a general rule, next nesting season the parents often come back to the same location and may even use the same nest with a little remodeling. The young ones will have to find a territory of their own to claim.
Thanks, Missy.
1 comment:
I actually spotted what I believe to be a hawk flying in and out of a tree four different times this afternoon. Without a zoom lens, my pictures are not as good. Feel free to check out my blog post.
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