Saturday, May 4, 2019

stinkbug eggs?

Who needs TV or cable news?

You find your happy wherever you can and if you are a nature nerd (NN) like myself—you find it in the smallest of things in the unlikeliest of places, albeit generally outside.

Most curious. A recent text from my good friend and fellow NN Christie Collins had this wonderful photo attached. So what the heck is it? Well, as Christie informed me, it is a cluster of stinkbug eggs she found in her garden. 

Oh, wow!

Stinkbugs are in the insect order Hemiptera and get their unkind name from their defense mechanism. If you pick one up it releases "a pungent unpleasant odor from a glandular substance released from pores in the thorax." 

Well, if threatened, wouldn't you?

Christie now works as a naturalist in a strange land called southern Florida but I had the good fortune of working with her for a year at the local nature center and I found her great joy in all things in the natural world—even if it was a bit stinky—an absolute delight.

Good to hear from you, Christie. Happy Birthday.

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