Thursday, April 29, 2010

like butter

Now that the leaves are on the trees, the surge to flower moves out into the open. The woodlands are dappled or deep in shade and the early ephemerals—bloodroot, corydalis, celandine poppies—have come and gone; the plants' remaining energy is used to produce fruit, pods, seeds. Their moment in the sun has passed.

This week, in addition to the phacelia in bloom on Dickinson Island, many of the open fields are glazed in the buttery gold of buttercups.

- Photo taken on River Divide Road in Sevier County


Abhishek said...

Wow...It's been a long long time since I've seen so much greenery in such abundance.

Stephen Lyn Bales said...

Oh dear Aby.

I'm sitting on my back deck looking out into the yellow-green lushness of the woodland behind my home.

I wish you could see it!