Saturday, June 11, 2016

Wild Birds June visit

Where's Mom and Dad?
Thank you to all who came out on such a hot day in June to learn all about the feathered Black & Decker drilling machines we call woodpeckers. We also saluted male woodpeckers for being excellent fathers in accord with upcoming Father's Day.

Along with their mated partners, they knock out a nesthole or roost hole in a dead tree in a few days. You might say they each have a real deal drill bill for home-building. They peck, they chisel, they drill, master excavators each one.  

Also thanks to my friends— Liz, Tony, Tiffiny and Warrenat Wild Birds Unlimited, (7240 Kingston Pike #164) for inviting me to speak.

Wild birds is also where you can buy all kinds of bird related items to attract more to your yard including Jim's Birdacious Bark Butter, a food that's irresistible to woodpeckers and other insect-eating birds.

Here's a look back at my Owl-ology visit in March, click: Wild Birds Unlimited.

Photo by Warren Hamlin
Photo by Warren Hamlin

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