It's Thanksgiving. You've got your family and friends around you, and before you is a feast with more food than you can possibly eat at one sitting. In fact, it may take several. You've got turkey, dressing, cranberries, mashed potatoes, gravy, bread, yams and your Aunt Lena's pumpkin pie.
Well Aunt Lena was my aunt, but I'm sure you have a pie maker too.
Native to North America, pumpkins have always been a part of our Thanksgiving holiday. The first festival in 1621 brought together the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag, the Indian tribe who helped the Plymouth Colonists adapt to their harsh new land. The first feast was composed of fish, duck, geese, wild turkey, venison, cornbread with nuts, succotash—an Algonquian dish of shelled beans and green corn—and for dessert, pumpkin stewed in maple sap.
I once made this last dish, and it’s actually quite good.
Happy Thanksgiving!
A very happy thanks giving to you and your family. Good to know about the festival from your post.
Hello Aby. It's always good to hear from you.
Does India have a similar holiday of thanks?
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