Thursday, November 6, 2008

peakish color?

Determining when the fall colors peak every year is a subjective, wishy-washy sort of enterprise. Peak suggests that there is an optimum moment, a summit, a climax, a crossing of a finish line with the popping of flash bulbs. It all depends on whom you talk to and where they are at the time. Last week, the Top of Ole Smoky had wintery weather, i.e. snow, while here in the valley, the season blessedly hangs on.

Early November seems a bit late to use the word peak but yesterday on a walk after work from Ijams west to Island Home Park along the Will Skelton Greenway, the colors certainly seemed peakish. The warm weather added to sense that all was golden (and tangerine and orange and crimson and maroon and lemony yellow) with the world.


A Colorful World said...

Yes, our leaves peaked here a few days after I posted a photo of a golden tree that was somewhat paler than it should have been....and boom, here was the explosion of color I was looking for! It really is so hit and miss!
By the way, I am going to get your book from Amazon!

Stephen Lyn Bales said...

Hello again TL.

Rain fell Friday and yesterday. Today it's cool and windy. Many of the leaves are letting go. The season is slipping away.

Thanks for getting a copy of my book. I hope you enjoy it.