Monday, April 25, 2011

walkabout: William Hastie

Round-lobed hepatica

Mountain stonecrop

Special thanks to the 34 people who attended the wildflower Ijams Walk•About at William Hastie Natural Area in South Knoxville last Saturday afternoon. Lynne and Bob Davis did a wonderful job leading the two-hour stroll along a meandering trail botanizing as we went

In addition to the more readily abundant and widely known wild phlox, foamflower, yellow trillium, mayapple, crossvine, Solomon's seal and wild geranium that were present, some of the less well known and curious wildflowers Lynne and Bob found (and not all were in bloom) were Cumberland spurge, kidney-leaf buttercup, Southern chervil, crane-fly orchid, round-lobed hepatica, sweet cicely, little brown jug, Carolina cranesbill, violet wood sorrel, mountain stonecrop and rattlesnake plantain.

For Bob's complete list go to William Hastie Wildflowers.

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