As part of the local Big Read, I'm leading a medicinal plant walk today at the nature center at 2 PM. (It looks like it may rain.)
Just in case you cannot make it or we get rained out, here's a hot tip: the Native Americans used the powdered root of cardinal flower as part of a love potion.
Here's the caveat: I have no idea how it was applied, if it was mixed with any other ingredients or how much powdered root you needed. So, please do not dig up any cardinal flowers looking for love!
CAUTION: Romance is darn hard to find. It should happen naturally. (I wonder: If you use natural ingredients in a love charm, does that therefore mean it IS happening naturally?)
The last thing you want to do is use too much powdered cardinal root and have suitors descending all over you like the Southern beaus who surrounded Scarlett O'Hara in the opening scenes of "Gone with the Wind" or the cohort of admirers that must follow George Clooney wherever he goes. Or is it?
Do you need to borrow my shovel?

This year's Big Read novel is "Bless Me, Ultima" by Rudolfo Anaya.
For more info on upcoming events.
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