Wednesday, September 21, 2016

canoodling wrens

As far as we know, Carolina wrens mate for life and spend 365 days a year close to one another foraging for insects, spiders, sunflower seeds, whatnot

When nesting season is over—and they can have up to three broods year—they travel around our houses, watching each others back, ever mindful. If something seems harmful, they send out an alarm call.

They also roost near each other at night. Tiffiny and Warren Hamlin noticed their pair were spending the night in separate ends of blinds they have on their screened-in porch, but as Tiffiny emailed, they recently "caught them canoodling in the same blind." After being discovered, "They quickly split up and went to their respective blinds."

Don't you just love the word canoodling?  

The Hamlins are assistant managers at Wild Birds Unlimited on Kingston Pike. 

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