Yesterday we learned that A) more oil is gushing from the gulf drill site than we were originally led to believe—the current revised estimate is 25,000 to 30,000 barrels a day, with 50,000 barrels a day being used by some media outlets—and b) photographers were only being given limited access to affected marsh and shorelines for fear (we assume) that the Internet would be flooded with photos of dead or oil-soaked wildlife.
What did Jack Nicholson say in the movie A Few Good Men? Something like, "Truth? You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns."
Local photographer Wayne Mallinger, a native of Florida, wanted to travel south with his camera, but learned his movements might be restricted.
In lieu of such, above is another one of Wayne's brown pelican pictures from last year. Like yesterday's, this bird is oil-free, drying itself in the sun.
Thanks for sharing, Wayne.
- Photo of oil-free brown pelican by Wayne Mallinger.
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