A sleek great white that's not a shark. But to a swallow-water fish, it's just as lethal. The great egret is a patient predator, like Uncle Buck, a skilled fisherman, hunting by quiet stealth. We quietly watched this one snatch its lunch: fish sticks without the breading.
The great egret is a large, all-white plumaged heron, but not to be confused with the white morph (some say separate species) of the great blue heron. The egret has a yellow bill and black legs; the white great blue has yellow legs.
Confused? Yes, so was I.
Worldwide there are about 63 species in the heron family, which include not only the herons but also egrets and bitterns. Egrets are types of herons that are generally snow white. They get their special name from the long nuptial plumes called "aigrettes" that are grown during the breeding season.
That's a lot to take in at one go but welcome all the same grand photograph not easy are white birds.
Hello Adrian.
Yes, white birds are not easy. This one is somewhat overexposed.
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