Monday, March 15, 2010

yello rumpus

This time of the year, yellow-rumped warblers are still dressed in their drab winter plumage; they're rather nondescript. But, if you watch long enough, they'll eventually present that which they are most famous: that flashy yellow rump.

They are the only warbler that spends the winter in the Tennessee Valley.

- Photos taken at Seven Islands Wildlife Refuge

2 comments: said...

Yes, I was driving on Island Home Pike and a bird flew directly across the road in front of me and landed on the bank on a small bush. I had the time to look and saw that yellow rump! I would not have known what it was but the day before I had read Marcia Davis' column with a photo of one!

Stephen Lyn Bales said...

Hello Bob.

Yes, that yellow spot is hard not to see once you know to look for it.

Great to hear from you. I hope you and Lynne survived the winter.