Friday, May 25, 2018

cicadas: coming attractions

I shan't let this one get past us.

In the middle of last week, Ijams education director Jen Roder was leaving work when she heard the unmistakable drone of a male cicada in the trees around the parking lot.

But the only cicadas that emerge from the ground in May are the 17-year periodical cicadas yet our Brood X is not due until 2021. So these stragglers or eager beavers were three years too early. Climate change? Or sloppy timekeeping? How do they even know the passage of time deep underground anyway?

I write at great length about these natural wonders, ephemeral as well every 17 years, in my first UT Press book Natural Histories.

Then last Sunday I found one lone golden-winged, red-eyed beauty on the Universal Trail near the solar panels.

Gorgeous true bug in the insect order Hemiptera. Bug season is here!

The last emergence at the nature center was May 2004, so we cannot wait until May 2021 when there will be thousands dripping from the trees, droning around the plaza. 

Pandemonium. Or should we say Cicademoniom.

Mark your calendars.

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