
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

the flamboyant Luna

Still at home. Still playing it safe, but look what came to visit a couple of nights ago. I was on the front porch and he dropped in for a visit. Can there be anything more beautiful patrolling my house at night? I live in the woods but rarely get more than one or two visits like this per year.  

Moths are nocturnal. Many are small, clothed in drab browns and grays because they do not rely on bright colors to find a mate but rather scent. Males are attracted to the females in the dark by their pheromones. So how do you explain the ostentatiousness, the flamboyance of the chartreuse and purple, as big as your hand Luna Moth

According to the fossil record, moths were on earth long before the active in the daylight butterflies. Are lunas and the other large brightly colored giant silk moths the link between the two groups of Lepidopterans?

And for those on the go, a gram in an Instant. 

Click: Stephen Lyn: Instagram 

Author of Natural HistoriesGhost Birds and Ephemeral by Nature all published by the University of Tennessee Press.

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