
Saturday, May 2, 2020

Day 48: expect Cope's gray soon


Cope's gray soon to croon  

Day 48: Here in Tennessee, we think the quarantine has ended. But most of us are staying put taking a wait and see approach. We're being cautious. 

It is also May and the temperatures are warming, so we'll expect to start hearing male Cope's gray tree frogs (Hyla chrysoscelis) croon for a mate at anytime. Their breeding season runs from May to August if conditions are right, a sultry damp evening, a gleam in the eye. The pair only need a temporary pool of water. 

Both Lynne Davis and I recently took surprising similar photos of Cope's grays and we live miles apart. So we know they are out and about at least thinking about the season at hand. The less-than-your-thumb sized frog is named to honor Edward Drinker Cope, noted man of the natural sciences including herpetology, who first described the species in 1880.

Ob-la-de, ob-la-da.


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