
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Turkey Day

"Our two regular visitors came by this afternoon for a snack. I hope they aren’t on someone’s menu tomorrow!" emailed Lynne Davis late yesterday.

Indeed. They have been a regular part of our Thanksgivings since the very first one, so much so that wild turkeys had all but disappeared. But through focused conservation efforts they have made a slow comeback. Lynne and Bob Davis now routinely see them around their house.

Reports of the menu for the first Thanksgiving the Pilgrims celebrated with the Wampanoags and their chief Massasoit are a bit sketchy. Only two written accounts survive, one a letter written by Edward Winslow dated December 12, 1621 and the other, William Bradford’s “History of Plymouth Plantation” written 20 years later. The foods the men mentioned were corn, Indian corn (ground into cornmeal), barley (mainly used to make beer), peas (but only a few because the first crop didn’t do well), fowl (probably ducks, geese, swans and cranes), fish (mostly bass and cod), venison (the Wampanoags brought five deer) and wild turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving. 

And we all have many many things to be thankful for. 

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