
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

miracle of metamorphosis

"There are only two ways to live your life: 
as though nothing is a miracle, or as though 
everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein

There is only one way to view this: It's an evolutionary miracle. 

How this tiny egg I found in a wet, muddy ditch off John Sevier Highway that hatched into a remarkably small caterpillar, can in a matter of weeks grow and go through metamorphosis and produce an adult monarch butterfly that will fly all the way to the mountain tops in southern Mexico. As John Denver put it: "Going home to a place it has never been before."

That tiny—smaller than a pinhead—brain holds the map for the flight of thousands of miles.

The only way you can view this is: It's a miracle.

I will be speaking tomorrow morning at 9:30 about monarch butterfly metamorphosis, From Egg to Migration, at the Hummingbird Festival at Ijams Nature Center.

Thanks, Jennifer.

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