
Sunday, March 24, 2019

it's nesting season in Norris

Many thanks to the Norris Woman's Club for inviting me to speak at their March meeting. Our topic of discussion was "Bird Nesting Season" and some of the things you can do to help like nest boxes, nest platforms and nesting materials (bluebirds love pine needles, titmice love fur, goldfinches love thistledown).

Open-end nest box from 
Wild Birds Unlimited
There are also several secondary cavity nesters in our area that will look for an old woodpecker cavity but will use a wooden nest box. Chickadees, titmice, tree swallows, Carolina wrens and bluebirds all look for a hidey-hole cavity, i.e. box.   

We also have species like phoebes, robins, mourning doves and barn swallows that simply look for a solid substrate or an open-ended platform box. You could call it a room with a view. Osprey's like a solid substrate too, but you are probably not going to get them in your backyard unless you live on the lake.  

Thank you Loretta, May and Linda for your kindness.

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