
Saturday, March 9, 2019

"Bird song as language" @ Wild Birds

A bird-acious thank you to Liz and Tony Cutrone, Tiffiny Hamlin and all the other staff members at Wild Birds Unlimited for making room in their store for me to talk about "Bird Song as Language."

We looked at the different types of vocalizations used by 12 of the most common backyard birds. Everything from territorial songs to companion calls to alarm calls. Each species has its own unique form of communication, in this case, we called it a unique language. 

Being vocal is energy draining and reveals their location to possible predators. Every time a bird sings or calls it is putting itself in harms way. But birds ARE highly communicative!

And since this is the beginning of nesting season for many of the birds we looked at, they are being very vocal and starting to defend the territories surrounding their nest sites.

Wild Birds Unlimited also had a special Nesting Super Blend of bird seed on sale for the event. It's loaded with the protein and calcium that young mothers need to produce strong eggs and healthy clutches. Only a handful a day is all you need to provide. 

See you next week for Part 2 of this series at Wild Birds Unlimited7240 Kingston Pike Knoxville. 

Tony and Liz Cutrone

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