
Thursday, December 25, 2014

2014: most thankful moment(s)

2014: The Best & Worst This is the time of the year when writers coast. They dream up their totally subjective best and worse lists for the year that's rapidly coming to a close. Why? So they can focus on the important things...the holidays. So with that in mind:

And on a personal note of glad tidings: Thank goodness it's Christmas because the summer/fall proved to be uncommonly difficult: three trips to the emergency room, one three-night stay in the hospital, one seven-night stay in the hospital and finally a 10-week stay in a nursing home for my Mom. Four hard months.

Thank you my friends Laura Twilley and Cindy Moffett (pictured above) for helping me maintain twice weekly 24 hummingbird feeders at the nature center during the summer heat. That's hundreds of cleanings and gallons of sugar water. Sticky fingers nous tous. The two dozen feeders were scattered around weeks ahead of time for the Hummingbird Festival in late August. Not enough hours in the day for me.

And thank you Island Home Health and Rehab for nursing Mom back to health and getting her feet under her again after a couple bouts of pneumonia. 

Doctors, nurses, CNAs, therapists, rest of staff, you all are selfless angels for the things you do each and every day for all the seniors under your care. Angels. Angels. Angels.

Merry Christmas, Laura, Cindy, health care givers, angels all. 

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