
Thursday, December 8, 2011

turkeys do fly

Driving home the other day, three large, dark birds flew low over the road—hillside to hillside—in front of my car. What the heck? I first thought vultures but the girth wasn't right. Too chunky, too heavy in the stern. Their flight was labored, like me flapping my arms trying to get airborne. 
As I passed the site, I discovered three wild turkeys strutting up the hill away from the road. 
Yes, Virginia, not only is there a Santa Claus, but turkeys indeed do fly, at least the wild ones, the domesticated gobblers can barely even walk, too heavy in the bulbous bow.

- Photo by Cody Pope


  1. Two years in a row there have been a "flock" of turkeys in exactly the same place at about the same time each year--and of all places in a very small field next to a busy parkway in Chattanooga. Next year I will look for them!

  2. Yes Peggy.

    Turkeys have certainly made a comeback.
