This adorable creature seems to come straight from Jim Henson's muppet babies, but it's very much a living bird. Let's hope it stays that way.
OK. You want to be frightened? Google the term "unchecked gusher."
The current issue of Newsweek notes that if the oil spill is not stopped until August, a total of 94.2 million gallons of oil will have gushed into the Gulf of Mexico. The report's estimate is sourced to NOAA. This would make it nine times bigger than the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989.
What happens if the spill cannot be stopped? Does that mean that the above brown pelican Wayne Mallinger photographed last year in Florida stands a good chance of also becoming oil-soaked?
Again, thanks for sharing, Wayne.
- Photo of 2009 oil-free brown pelican by Wayne Mallinger.
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