
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

RC Cola gone missing

I've posted about kudzu before, I'm beginning to feel embedded behind enemy lines, reporting on a silent, creeping invasion. The aggressive non-native, invasive vine is taking over large parts of the American South. (To be safe, I'll whisper.)

My question: What the heck is under this mountain of verdancy? It's towering over the lightpoles in the foreground.

This photo was taken near the Tennessee River on the south end of the Henley Street Bridge. Could this be the missing RC Cola sign, known by some long-time residents as "Mr. Googley-eyes"?

Does anyone remember the sign? Where did it go?

Watch out people! Get your face out of the computer! Our Southern pop culture is being erased. Next there will be no more black-and-white "See Rock City" barns along the roadsides. Hold on to your Moon Pies and GooGoo Clusters!

p.s. Moon Pies have been made in Chattanooga since 1917,
GooGoo Clusters have been made in Nashville since 1912 and RC Cola was developed in 1905 by a pharmacist/grocer named Claude Hatcher in Columbus, Georgia. Nehi came along in 1924.

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