
Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The American green frogs (Rana clamitans), also known as bronze frogs in some locales, (green to bronze to brown, their color really varies) are beginning to make their presence known in the Ijams’ Plaza Pond. Their call has been likened to the plucking of a loose banjo string: "boooonk."

A single female (the one in my photo is a male) can produce between 1000 and 7000 eggs. Can you imagine that? If they all survived, the pond would be hip-deep in green frogs. But, like yesterday's tent caterpillars, only enough survive to maintain a healthy population. The rest are gobbled up by hungry mouths.

And, there's a lot of hungry mouths out there.


  1. Didn't know a female from can lay these many eggs, Strange world !

  2. Hello again Aby. I hope all is well in New Delhi. Night time approaches.

    Yes, we live in a remarkable world, one where life just explodes into being. One frog that can produce 7000 eggs. Wow!
