
Sunday, October 16, 2011

trip to bountiful

Flowering dogwood gets a lot of attention around these parts every April. Heck, we even have an art festival named in its honor.

But, for my money, it’s the fall when these trees put on their grandest display.

Recently I watched a group of white-throated sparrows and a female Eastern towhee take particular delight in the bright red dogwood berries. Many of the trees I’ve encountered this fall have been loaded, it seems to be a good year for soft mast.


  1. The dogwood are beautiful this fall and full of berries. There seems to be more red in the trees this year and so many berries and nuts. Its wonderful.

  2. Yes Vickie. Very beautiful indeed. The birds are finding lots to eat.

  3. We had our first gang of white-throated sparrows early last week. I like to believe that they're the descendants of the ones we used to see years ago during the summer while camping near Lakes Michigan and Superior in Wisconsin and Michigan. And I absolutely agree with you regarding dogwoods in the fall. Thanks for writing about that.

  4. Hello Kathy.

    I know that white-throated sparrows return to the valley in late October. But, somehow every year when I see or hear my first one I am surprised. It's always a delightful surprise.

    On the same walk, I also saw three other species that are only here in the winter: yellow-bellied sapsucker, golden-crowned kinglet and hermit thrush.

    Winter will soon be here.

  5. Yes, dogwood make a striking statement fall or spring, and I do love fall so much, I can agree that the leaves and berries outshine the blossoms in the spring. Very beautiful....

  6. Hello TL.

    And the birds love the berries so much. Many of the trees around me have already been stripped of their bright red fruits.

    Thank you for your comment.

  7. The dogwood in autumn is also one of my favorite trees!
