
Monday, June 16, 2008


This one falls under the category of “If you build it, they will come.”

I created a very small pool under the drip, drip, drip of the air conditioning unit. It was really fashioned as a birdbath and the birds do use it, but several weeks ago a green frog (Rana clamitans) took up residence in its shallow water.

Green frogs grow to be rather sizable frogs. In our area, only bullfrogs are larger. By the size of its tympanum or eardrum (prominent circle behind its eye) you can tell it’s a male. Like the gray treefrog of last week (see June 12 posting) green frogs generally call May through late summer.

Green frogs live in ponds, not birdbaths, but this guy seems quite content. I’m surprised because I live on a ridge, a long ways from any natural pond, so how did he find me? He has hopped a good distance, uphill all the way, whereas, it would seem, that his natural instinct would have lead him to hop downhill. Water is always found down not up.

I can relate. I have always been rather wayward, hopping in the wrong direction, often uphill instead of down, the hardest road, so to speak. I’m reminded of Robert Frost, “I shall be telling this with a sigh / Somewhere ages and ages hence: / Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— / I took the one less traveled by, / And that has made all the difference.”

As a footnote: I’ll be even more flummoxed, if the green frog’s calls manage to attract a female. Perhaps, she will be just as wayward as he. In that case, a good match.


  1. Too cool! And I found my first toad this all the years I've been in Colorado. I've heard: "Build it and they will come". Congratulations!

    I've created a tiny pond (saucer) for the creature...while I save money to turn the roofless-wreck-of-a-root-celler into a pond as lovely as the one I built in Denver some years ago:

    The new one won't hold Koi (aka: invitation to bears), but I bet it brings froggies! Yippieeeeee

    Lovely post; thank you so much!

  2. Oh my gosh Beverly. What a grand pond you had in Denver! It must have been a frog and toad magnet.

    At the nature center, we have several ponds and we don't put fish into them so that they'll attract frogs, which they do in big numbers. I'm very used to seeing and hearing green frogs but finding one in my birdbath has really tickled me.

    It's good to hear from you again! I hope all is well in your part of the world.

    Stephen Lyn
