
Saturday, May 17, 2008

the truth

“Truth surrounds you. It is in the air, it is in the fragrance of the flowers, it is in the flow of the river it is in the green leaves, it is in the stars, it is in the dust. It is in you.”

- Osho (1931-1990) contemporary mystic

OK. Please, do me a favor. Or perhaps I should say, "Do yourself a favor." Now that you have read this posting, turn your computer off and go sit under a tree. Just sit there. Become part of the moment and look for the truth that will present itself. That's where it's at; not here beyond your keyboard. This is all artificial. (Dictionary definition: Artificial. adj. made by human skill; produced by humans, as opposed to being natural; imitation; simulated; sham; lacking naturalness or spontaneity; forced; contrived; feigned.)

And humans are notoriously fallible. Scully and Mulder forgive me, but you were right: “The truth is out there," although it may not be exactly what Dana and Fox were looking to find.

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