
Friday, February 8, 2008

One man’s owl

At this time of the year, while you and I are lying all comfy and cozy under our blankets and comforters and heirloom quilts, female great horned owls are incubating their eggs. In Tennessee, egg laying occurs in January. They are the first bird to nest in the calendar year and have been seen covered with snow sitting on their clutches. Burrrr! The eggs hatch in 26 to 35 days. So, pour yourself a cup of chamomile tea and find a copy of “One Man’s Owl” by Bernd Heinrich. I've read several of Heinrich's books and his insights into animal behavior are always a joy. And it’s a good way to pass the time waiting for the owlets' arrival.

“One Man’s Owl” by Bernd Heinrich. 1987, Princeton University Press.

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